Entries from 2021-01-01 to 1 year

How are you?

It has been stormy recently. Sitting at the flat that I once shared with you, I watch the rain falls on the window, making a quick "shash" sound. "How are you?", I would like to ask, as I once used to. Yet, there is no answer. Looking at t…


"我這麼老了還能學嗎?" 幾年前的我大概會不以為意地聳肩,然後忘記這個問題曾經被提過。 近年來的科學發展,跟我以前想像的完全不一樣。會這麼說是在因緣際會下,頂著時差參加了頂尖大學舉辦的學生學術研討會。一方面多少填補班機取消的苦悶,另一方面想了…